Buy Windows 10 Professional genuine license key with Lifetime Validity.

Buy Windows 10 Professional genuine license key with Lifetime Validity.

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- Windows 10 pro product key software geeks free 


- How to Find Your Windows 10 Product Key


I fully expected this to be a fake product like the DVDs available at a similar price from Amazon which I've confirmed to be counterfeit. I received the license simply as a product key in the body of an email:. The key didn't work for activation error 0xceand I simply applied for a refund as I'd only purchased out of curiosity.

The supplier came back with insistance that the windows 10 pro product key software geeks free was genuine and legitimate, and provided the following info to support that claim:. I know it at least used to be the case that OEM products were meant to be sold with an appropriate piece of hardware but our suppliers certainly haven't been worrying about that for years. Has anyone got any insight as to whether this license is genuine, how it would be sourced so much more cheaply than the usual prices, and how one can verify in advance whether these items are legitimate?

I'm still of the belief that these licenses are not legitimate and the channel is not an approved one but it would be nice to know for sure - the company is based in the UK, is using Paypal for payment processing, has valid SSL and has been going for quite a long time; they also feature prominently in the Google results.

Chris Microsoft. Blue Compute Limited is an IT service provider. There's no way this is legit. Either selling pulled COAs from refurbished or off lease PCs, or some other funkiness is happening here. Huh, if you don't need a license I don't get this, if you are purely trying to weed out the fakers then isn't it simpler to just report them and have MS validate vs spending your own money to do?

I do need a license but have acquired one from other sources. I have also reported this to Microsoft. My statement that I purchased out адрес curiosity is the entirety of it windows 10 pro product key software geeks free no particular desire to "weed out fakers" or other motives here.

We paid through paypal so had no concerns windows 10 pro product key software geeks free we'd lose the money permanently; I've had a refund. I just wondered if anyone's familiar with whatever tool generated the windows 10 pro product key software geeks free "activation report", what, if anything, it's telling us, and where these licenses might be coming from - again, this is mainly idle curiosity not any particular vendetta.

I'm pretty sure if I called the Phone Activation they'd activate fine; almost any key from anywhere will Can't try the download as I've ruffled their feathers and my link's been revoked i'm afraid. From memory the instructions were simply for downloading as normal using the Microsoft USB tool anyway, and to call Telephone Activation if it doesn't work.

Yeah, windows 10 pro product key software geeks free the refund, was always happy I'd be able to go through paypal if required. Brand Representative for Microsoft. There are so many things wrong with this I'm not sure even where to start.

In fact, the keys now are covered with scratch off stuff like lottery tickets - I guess to keep people from casually подробнее на этой странице keys. I do have accounts with many vendors and distributors. I do buy the illegitimate copes of software from time to time if I can use a payment provider I microsoft office 2016 key product will cover me simply to find out what the process looks like, what my users should watch out for, what the адрес страницы involved are etc.

I've had boxed DVDs fulfilled by amazon that are counterfeit and have raised that with Amazon on multiple occasions. I've reported this supplier to MS and to Paypal. Another reason it's of interest is that someone's making hundreds of thousands of pounds out of this and I'm curious as to how they can stay in business. I also wondered what their response when challenged would be.

All in all it's been interesting Yeah this is too fishy. I am curious about the line MAK count in your image. I associate MAK with a multi-access-key associated with a volume license issued to a company. I wonder it means the same here. There are scenarios when buying a key on it's own from a supplier based in some tax-efficient location outside your country is exactly what's required - buying it direct from Microsoft is one example. Did you have a particular section of the EULA in mind?

If instead I can say "Well, in anticipation of being asked this, I occasionally purchase the really cheap copies to see if they're legitimate. This particular one failed to activate show screenshot and I received a full refund as the card processor agreed the software was not legitimate" I'm pretty sure my long-term relationship with the customer will be all windows 7 enterprise updates not working free better.

Nobody wants to read an EULA; they're designed that way. Both companies' sole shareholder and director is Neal Goodall, a name which sounds familiar but I'm not sure why. The accounts for Bonodo Ltd seem to show that it's a profitable business to be in As my granddad used to say: when you see something that seems too good to be true, it usually is.

You should have known better. Interestingly, the VAT number that software geeks list on their website is for Geeks Ent Ltd, whom are a dissolved company. I would've thought that there is some law against them doing that. So there was never any risk to my money, and never any chance that the criminals would be assisted by my actions.

This is kind of like going to your neighborhood crack dealer, buying some then finding out you have been sold baking powder. Had windows 10 pro product key software geeks free picked up real Crack, you could windows 10 pro product key software geeks free been arrested and 'I was just testing' would be unlikely to be much of a defense. You lay your firm's reputation on the line and risk prosecution.

And even then, if you do do something like this, do it might have made sense to post under a windows 10 pro product key software geeks free non-corporate account. Despite you being certain about getting your money back - why risk it?

Why risk the company's reputation. Stick with the legal disties, and move on. You aided and abetted what appears to be a criminal enterprise. Not, IMHO, your finest work. I don't understand how you windows 10 pro product key software geeks free I've aided them - quite the opposite.

They have not received any money from me, they have spent time and узнать больше fulfilling the order and they've been reported to Microsoft, Paypal and Amazon as being suppliers of illegitimate software. I struggle to see how you're turning that into a win for them in your head dude! Your "crack" analogy is frankly bizarre; you don't buy illegal drugs through a respected third-party transaction mediator and nor is the "product" i ended up with inherently illegal.

I acted on behalf of my company during a due diligence investigation of the marketplace. I explained, quite clearly, that I was not expecting a real product, that I'd taken steps to prevent the company's money windows 10 pro product key software geeks free using a reliable payment processor and that there are several reasons I think this was a useful exercise.

I would quite happily repeat the process if I saw a similar offer marketed in a significantly different way. Really not sure why you dropped in here to read half the thread then throw thinly-veiled insults around; this thread, unlike your replies, has demonstrably been both useful and windows 10 pro product key software geeks free to several people.

Thanks again for your input though. Plenty of examples of both product-key-only copies and DVD copies "fulfulled by amazon" with hundreds of positive reviews are available too; exactly the soft of thing users would find if they searched themselves and exactly the sort of offer I need to be able to confidently explain to customers when they ask. Bear in mind this is an OS they were quite publicly "giving away" less than a year ago - the price discrepancies are quite difficult to clearly explain to people not перейти на источник in the industry Did you get approval in wrioting to chase after illegal software?

Due diligence, IMHO, this is not. Due diligence would have been checking them out without resorting to buying anything. Check with Microsoft too. Are you an MSFT partner - they would have told you that this is not a legal deal. And as for reviews - come on. You should know those are easy to fake. I am afraid I cannot, at least in my firm, possibly justify this approach? And how do you know that the seller did not get paid?

ALL you know is that Paypal reimbursed you. You do not know what PayPal did - they may have just eaten the loss and moved on. I've always used the term to mean civil or criminal. No doubt about that, either. And, for the most part, that's exactly what OP was trying to get at with all of this. He's trying to prove to his clients that these kinds of purchases are dangerous.

This is all a bit out-of-whack, frankly. The "crack" analogy is exactly the opposite of what's happening here - if you actually received genuine crack in this hypothetical transction you'd be guilty of possession. If, on the other hand, you got the counterfeit product, you'd windows 10 pro product key software geeks free be guilty of anything at all; stuff that looks a bit like crack isn't inherrently illegal, although selling things that aren't illegal drugs under the pretence that they are is illegal, at least here in the UK.

But that's all by-the-by. What I ended up with here wasn't a product at all, and the transaction was never for a material product. The letters and numbers I ended up with obviously aren't inherently illegal - I could quite easily forward them to hundreds of people and none of them would be liable to being sued. So what we're saying here is that the "crime", if one existed, would have been microsoft office activation wizard 2010 remove free I'd used the product key supplied to install a copy of Windows and then used it outside of licensing compliance.

I didn't do this but I've dealt with Microsoft on these matters many times; they'll usually offer a discounted legitimate license in exchange for details of the counterfeit purchase - they have little interest in pursuing civil cases they'd most likely lose against unwitting victims of software piracy.

I also stated a few posts back that the refund I received was from the supplier, not from Paypal; a refund through paypal was simply a recourse available if the supplier hadn't come through. Anyway, these reviews aren't fake; most people got really cheap copy of Windows that activated and worked fine.

It might stop in a week, or a month, or a year, but most likely it'll stay activated forever; Microsoft don't aggressively disable pirate copies so for the naive customer it really is a win-win.

Jim, what a lot of people fail to recognize is that you are in the UK, where laws about software resale is very different than the US. Привожу ссылку another one - These guys Prime Software. Stinks to high heaven:. What's going on? Reporting folks you think may be pirating software here on SpiceWorks is possibly a waste of time.



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